General Information
Marine Eels can be distinguished by their characteristic elongate shape, tail that tapers to a point, and an absence of pelvic (pectoral) fins. They are carnivorous bottom-dwellers that typically have sharp, fang-like teeth. Although there are a few families of Eels available to aquarists, splendidly-marked tropical Moray Eels represent the vast majority of marine eels seen in the hobby. Morays originate from rock and reef areas around the world where they hide among caves and crevices during the day and emerge at nighttime to feed on small fishes and invertebrates (i.e., squid, octopus, mussels, clams, and even sea urchins). Though most have relatively poor eyesight, Morays have an extremely acute sense of smell that they use to detect food.

Aquarium Care & Feeding
Provided they have sufficient room, refuges, and an adequate supply of food, Eels are relatively undemanding in captivity and some species can live longer than 20 years! Moray Eels were even maintained in captivity by wealthy Romans and were considered prized possessions. It is recommended that Morays are not kept with bite-sized fishes and that the aquarist ensure that the tank is tightly covered to prevent these fishes from escaping. Eels typically accept frozen single item foods (small fishes, squid, etc.) and can be fed with a “Feeding Frenzy” Feeding Prong to prevent the aquarist from accidentally being bitten.
We recommend the following Ocean Nutrition™ products for Eels: